Si te manejas en el mundo financiero, trabajas en un negocio o te dedicas a algo en lo que tengas que manejar dinero, es muy probable que eventualmente empieces a escuchar modismos relacionados con...
Many Spanish people like the use the word "advices" when they speak in English. Most of time they do this because they are thinking about the word "consejos" in Spanish, so naturally they put an...
Cuando los hispanohablantes intentan traducir "ANTES DE AYER" o "ANTEAYER" suelen decir algo así como:
"Not yesterday...but the day before".
Para ser sincero, esto se acerca bastante a la...
The UK has never really been famous for the quality of its food. In fact, in many cases it has been famous for the exact opposite. This is, slowly but surely, changing and now you can eat good...
Un día, una cliente me llamó con un problema: tenía que organizar una llamada con un cliente, pero no sabía cómo. Normalmente no tenía problema, pero esta...
As is the case here in Spain, in the UK there are a wide variety of different shops ranging from very expensive to extremely cheap.
One chain (cadena) of cheap shops that exist in the UK (which I...
I have heard this one so many times that it drives me crazy!!! I am joking...I love Spanglish mistakes! I do...believe me ;)
So why does this one happen so often, you ask me?
Well, the source of the...
No importa qué tan cercanas sean dos personas, es muy común que en algún momento de su relación se peleen por algo, por más que sean amigos, pareja, familiares,...
I am not really sure where this mistake comes from, but it is the basic translation of: "Me gusta mucho". "I like it too much" is not correct because when you use the word "too" it means...
When Spanish speakers are talking about their exam results they often fall into the trap of talking about their "notes" because inside their head they have the word "notas".
For example: "At school...
This is an expression or "frase hecha" as you would say in Spanish. It is quite commonly used in the UK but maybe somewhat less in the US.
¿Tus creencias no te dejan ver? — Have you ever become so deeply entrenched in a belief so much so that you end up turn a deaf ear to the advice and concern you receive from others.
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